CAIIB Exam Study Material:
"Housing for All by 2022” aimed for urban areas with following components/options to States/Union Territories and cities:-
a. Slum rehabilitation of Slum Dwellers with participation of private developers using land as a resource;
b. Promotion of affordable housing for weaker section through credit linked subsidy;
c. Affordable housing in partnership with Public & Private sectors and
d. Subsidy for beneficiary-led individual house construction or enhancement.
Answer the following questions.
1. Central grant of Rs. ...... per house, on an average, will be available under the slum rehabilitation programme.
a. Rs. 1 lakh
b. Rs. 1.5 lakhs
c. Rs. 2.3 lakhs
d. Rs. 2.7 lakhs
2. Under the Credit Linked Interest Subsidy component, what will be the interest subsidy on housing loans availed upto a tenure of 15 years will be provided to EWS/LIG categories?
a. 5.6 percent
b. 6.5 percent
c. 5.8 percent
d. 8.5 percent
3. Under the Credit Linked Interest Subsidy component, what will be the subsidy pay-out on NPV basis per house for both the categories?
a. Rs. 1 lakh
b. Rs. 1.5 lakhs
c. Rs. 2.3 lakhs
d. Rs. 2.7 lakhs
4. Central assistance at what rate per house for EWS category will be provided under the Affordable Housing in Partnership house construction or enhancement?
a. Rs. 1 lakh
b. Rs. 1.5 lakhs
c. Rs. 2.3 lakhs
d. Rs. 2.7 lakhs
5. Central assistance at what rate per house for EWS category will be provided under the Affordable Housing in Beneficiary-led individual house construction or enhancement
a. Rs. 1 lakh
b. Rs. 1.5 lakhs
c. Rs. 2.3 lakhs
d. Rs. 2.7 lakhs
Answers :
1. a - Rs. 1 lakh
2. b - 6.5 percent
3. c - Rs.2.3 lakhs
4. b - Rs.1.5 lakhs
5. b - Rs.1.5 lakhs
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